This a great Kin Pal story I've been meaning to post for awhile now from Scott C. in Memphis.
My son Kellen, 2 years old, is a stuffed animal
fanatic! He has several different animals in his room. Since he got his Kin Pal
he has to have it near him at all times. It’s his best friend. So much that he
had to have it with him during his school (daycare) pictures. I would even go
as far to say that it helps him sleep. He doesn't mind going “nite nite” as
long as his Kin Pal is by his side. His Kin Pal puppy goes with him everywhere. I
can’t wait to see his response when he receives the others. Thank you so much
Kin Pal, you have made my parenting duties easier!
Scott C.