Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What is Kin Pal?

My life took a different direction in July, 2011. That's how life goes though. Every few years something comes along and alters your future and things are never the same. Good or bad there is no looking back. Graduations, moving, marriage, accidents, layoffs, parenthood, sickness and job promotions are some of those things that change us. The things they call life events. Well after a series of life events I found myself, my wife and my daughter driving down a Memphis road running errands. We had just spent the previous weekend in Cincinnati visiting my parents and we were expressing how great the visit was. My parents live outside of Detroit. We live in Memphis. My daughter is their first grandchild and the distance is troubling. So out of these situations I came up with the idea for Kin Pal right there in the car. The idea was for a large plush animal that concealed standard size photographs under the ears so that my daughter could play peek a boo with pictures of Grandma and Grandpa. Not only that but she could end the peek a boo game with a big life size hug.  I was determined to turn my idea into something real. What a feeling it is to create something that brings joy to people. I am proud of the strong reactions that the Kin Pal evokes. It seems to me that every Kin Pal has a story. Lets share them. The purpose of this blog is to express creative ideas on how to gift a Kin Pal, ways to accessorize them and other creative uses. This will be a collection of ideas, stories and photos.

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